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Vin de Noix Recipe – Walnut Wine

Green walnuts for walnut wine

Vin de noix is traditionally made in June when the walnuts are green and tradition says you should always make sure you pick the walnuts before July 14.

It’s certainly a potent mix and will pack a punch at any time of the year but is always good at Christmas or New Year when the full taste has had time to develop and its guaranteed to enliven the party!

Ingredients for Walnut Wine

½ litre of 45° Alcohol (Vodka is always good)

1kg Sugar
10-15 walnuts cut into quarters (don’t forget – pick them before July 14)
5 litres of wine (3 litres red/2 litres white)


Put all the ingredients in a demijohn (French: bonbonne) and place it  in a dry, dark place and leave for at least 3 months – up to a year is fine.

For the first week shake the demijohn daily, after that once a week is fine until you’re ready to bottle it.

Use sterilised bottles and sieve the liquid into the bottles and seal them tight.

It should be dark, sweet and mellow (not unlike port) and makes for a great gift, party and winter warmer!

Many thanks to self-sufficiency connoissuer in France, Donna Kerridge for this fabulous tried and tested French recipe for Walnut Wine – Vin de Noix.

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