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French Language: Halloween French Words


The festival of Halloween is celebrated in France but with not quite the same amount of enthusiasm as the US or UK. It has grown in popularity since the mid 1990s but many older people in France think is a bit too commercial.

Nonetheless, the concept of Halloween is becoming more fashionable and so, to help you with your French vocabulary needs at this festive time of year – here are a few Halloween French words!

Halloween Halloween
Pumpkin Un potiron
Disguise / Costume Un déguisement
Skeleton Un squelette
Candle Une bougie
Mask Un masque
Black cat Un chat noir
Goblin Un lutin
Devil Un diable
Broom Un balai
Witch Une sorcière
Sweets / Candy Des bonbons
Scarecrow Un épouvantail
Ghost un fantôme
Jack-o’-lantern Un feu follet
Bat Une chauve-souris
Spider Une araignée


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